Services: Computer Lessons, System Optimization, Virus & Spyware Removal, Backups, Repairs, Rebuilds,
Identity Theft Risk  Assessment Presentations & Solutions. On site and Remote System Support
Don't get frustrated, call Sean Avoid smashing your computer with a brick as this will void most warranties.
Discount Service / Consulting Retainer Sean Mccarthy 888-752-9049
Options Hrs. Pre- Purchased Hourly Rate Price
Normal Rate* 0 $100 $100 per hour
Discount Option 1 15 $66.66 $1000
Discount Option 2 20 $60 $1200
Discount Option 3 25 $58 $1450
Discount Option 4 30 $56 $1680
Discount Option 5 40 $55 $2200
*(Onsite or Remote)
Service Retainer Options
Discounted service retainers

Retainer terms

Retainers must be pre-paid in order to get the discount. Normal service rates will be charged until the retainer is paid. Once the retainer is paid, the discounted rate will only be applied to hours worked after the payment has been received.
The time spent per service call will be deducted from the amount of hours remaining. Service, remote support and consulting time will be deducted from the retainer at the discounted hourly rate. Travel time will be deducted at 3/4 of the hourly rate for onsite services performed out side of the local service area. Normal travel time is $75 / hour round trip.
Time will be tracked by Sean McCarthy and a statement of hours used and time remaining will be sent to the customer following completed service calls. When hours are depleted to a low level the customer will be notified. The customer may buy more hours at any date and need not wait until the retainer is depleted. Hours must be used within 12 months from the date of purchase. There will be no refund or credit for expired hours. In the case of multiple retainers, the hours from the first retainer will be used first.
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Remote Support
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Regular service will be done Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. based on availability. If not available at the time of the call an appointment for the next available opening will be booked. Other hours may be arranged. An additional 1/2 hour, per hour, will be charged for off-hours service / support calls. This addition will be to the customer’s current service / support rate. Sean McCarthy reserves the right to keep track of the official time spent per service call.
Parts are not included with this service / support retainer. Parts may not always be needed therefore parts will be billed separately on an as needed basis. Sean McCarthy reserves the right to determine when and what parts may be needed for a particular job. Sean McCarthy will advise the customer of parts needed and their costs before replacing any parts.

To accept this agreement, complete the bottom portion, sign and send the original copy with payment to: 3944 Lake Ned Village Circle. ~ Winter Haven, FL 33884
(Make checks payable to Sean McCarthy).

 To pay by credit card call 888-752-9049 or visit

 If signed copy is not received but payment is, acceptance of this agreement will be assumed based on receiving your payment.

 This agreement between Sean McCarthy and __________________________________, begins on ___________ (date).

 _______________________________ (name) shall be the primary contact for this agreement.

 The option number chosen is _______, and the total number of hours being pre-purchased is _________.

 I accept and agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement. I am enclosing my payment of _____________ (= hours pre-purchased x discount option hourly rate).

 Customer ____________________________________________________                        Date____________________
Fixed Fast!
Services: Computer Lessons, System Optimization, Virus & Spyware Removal, Backups, Repairs, Rebuilds,

Identity Theft Risk  Assessment Presentations & Solutions. On site and Remote System Support